Recently, one of my old customers asked me to add the customer’s email to the recipient list in the canceled order notification (woocommerce). I was surprised that this simple option is not there by default. I wrote such a hook, which works great and fulfills its function 100%. This snippet should be added to functions.php […]
How to Disable Payment Method When a Specific Product Category is Available – Woocommerce
Recently one of my clients asked me to make the following change to a website. For specific products, hide all payment methods except Wise Payments. But at the same time hide the Wise Payments payment method for all other products.To solve this problem, I added a “Limited” category and added additional code to functions.php. This […]
How To Add a Badge To Selected Products – Woocommerce
Today let’s look at a simple snippet that hopefully will help someone:)Task: The client wanted to add badges to some products, depending on the season. First I created four new categories (winter, spring, summer, autumn) and then added the code to functions.php. And styling: /*seasonal badges*/.winter-badge, .spring-badge, .autumn-badge, .summer-badge {padding: 3px 4px;text-align: center;background: #FFFFFF;font-weight: bold;position: […]
How to add email notification when an order is in Pending status in Woocommerce without plugin
Just recently one of my clients asked me to add a notification feature if an order goes into Pending status in his Woocommerce store. This simple hook helps to solve this problem. This code should be inserted into fucntions.php of your child theme.