It is very difficult to imagine a modern website/store/blog without images and graphics. If your website loads slowly, visitors may lose interest and move on to your competitors. One of the effective ways to improve the performance of your WordPress site is image optimization. In this article, we’ll look at several strategies and techniques for […]
Lazy Loading
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Troubleshooting for WordPress Sites
In the world of web development, where user experience and SEO are crucial to a website’s success, it’s vital to address issues that can negatively impact these areas. One such issue is Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). In this post, we’ll explore CLS, when and why it occurs, how it affects SEO and UX, and why […]
How to add email notification when an order is in Pending status in Woocommerce without plugin
Just recently one of my clients asked me to add a notification feature if an order goes into Pending status in his Woocommerce store. This simple hook helps to solve this problem. This code should be inserted into fucntions.php of your child theme.